Friday 30 November 2012

London Trip

Illustration Cupboard

All original illustrations...


From Coraline

Wallace and Gromitt

Wherethe wild things are

Charlie and Lola


Charlie and Lola

Where the wild things are

From the nutcracker

The Royal Academy 
Bronze Sculptures...

  M and M World...

The National Portrait Gallery

Tiles on the floor on the National Portrait Gallery 


Postcard from the National Portrait Gallery
Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers

Leaflet from the Royal Academy 

Thursday 29 November 2012

Specialism pathway stage

Pathway stage
Fashion specialsim

Tubes and pipes

Mind Map

Observational Drawings

observational drawings from an old plug hole

using words and phases about the plug hole to create an image

man-made colour chart and mood board

natural colour chart and mood board

the london underground colour chart and mood board

then I moved to focus in on the pleats and folds in a used tube of paint 
I find to ceases and wrinkles n a squeezed paint tube very interesting and intricate. These can be translated into fashion by using pleating, folding and ruffed materials. 
 Due to the changing tones and shades from the shadows made by the folds I have decided to stick to shades of black and white to keep the detail and tones the focus point.

Observational drawings in different media of a bent tube of white paint

a technical pencil drawing

a larger scale ink drawing using close up and enlarged photocopied strips of the same tube of paint, which I have weaved over the top to try and create the wrinkled texture of the paint